The Characters of Spongebob

Spongebob Squarepants
A lovable sea sponge, who, as his name implies, wears pants that are square. That is all you need to know. spongebob
Patrick Star
Spongebob's best friend, who is a starfish and lives under a rock. He's not the brightest. patrick with a board nailed to his head
Eugene Krabs
The manager of the Krusty Krab, the restaurant where Spongebob works. He has what may be an over-fondness for money. Mr. Krabs
Squidward Tentacles
Spongebob's neighbour and fellow employee, who plays the clarinet and gets annoyed by almost everything Spongebob and Patrick do.Squidward
A tiny plankton, Plankton continually tries to steal the secret Krabby Patty formula from Mr. Krabs. He is the arch-nemesis of all who live in Bikini Bottom. Plankton