Battle Rifle

A Halo 4 Battle Rifle
The BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle

Manufacturer: Misriah Armory

Damage per hit: Medium to High

Accuracy: High

Fire mode: 3-round burst

Magazine Size: 36 rounds

Maximum Ammunition: 108-216 rounds

Used by: UNSC

The BR85 Heavy Barrel Service Rifle, known more commonly as the Battle Rifle, is a infantry rifle used by the UNSC. It fires three-round bursts out of a 36 round magazine, and is extremely effective against energy shielding. It is one of the most well-known weapons in the UNSC.

The BR85 is a newer iteration of the BR55 and BR55HB battle rifles, which were in service earlier, during the Human-Covenant War, and features various design improvements over those weapons. These include a lighter frame and rail mounts for weapon attachments, among other things.

The BR85 was first introduced in Halo 4, released in 2012, and will return in the upcoming game Halo 5 in October 2015.

The Halo 5 Battle Rifle
A model of the new Halo 5 BR
The Halo 5 Battle Rifle
A first-person view of the Halo 5 BR
The Halo 4 Battle Rifle
A first-person view of the Halo 4 BR
Battle Rifle vs Scattershot
Two spartans fight, one using the Battle Rifle
The Halo 4 Battle Rifle scoped
The Halo 4 Battle Rifle scoped in
Spartan Locke with a BR
Halo 5 art featuring Spartan Locke with a Battle Rifle
Master Chief with a Battle Rifle
Master Chief with a Battle Rifle