The Bichon Frise
Often confused with a white poodle, the Bichon Frise (pronounced BEE-shawn FREE-say) is a little dog that is 9.5-11.5 inches at the shoulder and can weigh anywhere from 10-18 pounds. He can also live for 15+ years.
Health and Grooming
The Bichon Frise can be a pain when it comes to grooming, but many owners believe it's more than worth the effort. Its curly coat requires daily brushing and professional grooming every once in a while. If not done, the coat can become matted, which is painful for the dog, and might lead to serious skin infections. The Bichon Frise is really healthy, but do not think health problems will not arise, because like all dogs, health problems are always a possibility.
Bichon Frise loves attnetion and is super affectionate and loving. He was also raised to be companion dog and never wants to leave your side. He's pretty adaptable and isn't too territoriaal. He can sometimes be hard to train, and he's only moderately smart.
Friendliness and Exercise Needs
They're really friendly. The end. They're friendly towards everyone, including other animals, and super loving and affectionate towards their family. Like many small designer dogs, they don't need to much intense exercise, but love to run around and play with you.