
Basic Firebending


Fire is the element of power. The fire generates spontaneously with energy drawn from inside the firebender and the will to accomplish something. When the Lion Turtles left, the dragons were the inspiration for the future firebenders, who became the Sun Warrior civilization, and later the Fire Nation. Fire is notable for being the only element that isn't from an external source, and with a general lack of defense against attacks.

Like all the other elements, firebending possesses no real edge over the other three unless in special circumstances. Firebenders enjoy sunlight and warmth, and would benefit from a clear goal in mind. For a while, the people of the Fire Nation used hate to fuel their fire. After Zuko and Aang visited the Sun Warriors, they learned from the only two remaining dragons alive that this wasn't necessary. The dragons showed them many more colors of fire; in unrelated news, Zuko's sister Azula is the only person we know of that generates blue fire. It is apparently hotter, but we don't know why she has it. The firebenders use this fuel to go on the offensive during fights, using quick attacks that would usually leave the opponent overwhelmed. If the opponent is good, however, the firebender will have to be on their guard. Cold environments at night are never good for a firebender (cough cough zuko cough both times cough zuko north pole cough cough).

Firebenders all seem to share one style, some just have more advanced moves than others. The Fire Nation is the most well-organized and technologically advanced country, after all, so this isn't much of a surprise. Like water and earth, firebending has been revolutionized through sports like pro-bending.

Lightning Generation/Redirection

lightning lightning

Lightning generation, from what we know, is probably a sub-element that has passed down through the Fire Nation Royal Family and kept within its members until the Hundred Years' War. Both Azula and Ozai were in complete control of their generated lightning, although Zuko didn't even know how to make it. Uncle Iroh also invented a new technique for redirecting the royal family's lightning, a move he tried by imitating waterbenders. After the war was over, lightning generation was taught to all kinds of firebenders, and was no longer rare.

Combustion Bending

combustion comubstion

Combustion bending is simply blowing up things with your mind through a third "eye" on your forehead. There are only two combustion benders in the entire series, Sparky Sparky Boom Man and P'li. In both cases, they were defeated by somehow stunning the third eye or completely enclosing it. Both ended up exploding from their own mind bending. Sparky Sparky Boom Man also seemed to have lots of amputations, which were probably caused by accidents when he was younger. So it seems safe to say that combustion bending is extremely dangerous.


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