
Basic Airbending


Air is the element of freedom. The airbenders learned how to bend by looking at air bison when the lion turtles left. They still have a close relationship with the air bison and bond with them for life. Airbending can be very deadly if needed, but as their nomadic teachings try to avoid any real confrontations, airbenders usually just fight defensively. All air nomads are born airbenders due to how spiritual their culture is.

Like all the other elements, airbending possesses no real edge over the other three, and it doesn't seem to have any special circumstances, since there is usually air around you. The airbender culture is a peaceful one, but other benders who want to take it further (i.e. Zaheer) show the true, deadly force of airbending. Suffocation is one of these things. Airbenders seem to be doing just fine with what they have, though.

Airbending has belonged exclusively to the air nomads, but as they were wiped out 100 years ago, only Aang is left. After the Harmonic Convergence, many more airbenders were "converted", which will hopefully expand the nomads to regain their former glory in the future.



Guru Laghima and Zaheer are the only two people who have "flown" before. Airbenders can probably all levitate themselves with a lot of stress, but apparently effortless flying is its own sub-element, in league with lightning, lavabending, and bloodbending. The ability seems quite overpowered, although Zaheer ended up failing anyways because he needed to carry Korra with him. Other than that, there isn't much to know about this sub-element.


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