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A Brief Description

Kerala is a state in India, near the southern tip. Also known as God's Own Country, Kerala is a stae filled with culture and the clean, bright nature. The main language, Malayalam, does not need to be known in order to communciate through food, culture, and witnessing beautiful nature. Most tourists take a guide, who does speak English(don't worry). Kerala's location has shaped their food very much. Since they are closer to the ocean, many dishes include fish, paired up with many spices. The abundance of water allows for rice farming, in the paddies. Each dish has its own blend of spices, that brings a mouthful of flavor and delciousness. The culture has remained both traditional and evolved. Many forms of Hindu dance, and music has stayed the same. Also, other influences, including Christianity and Islam has added to the Hindu culture, and vice versa. Other than the rich culture and food, Kerala is one of the states that has the most nature. Lakes, the ocean, and other bodies of water can be seen. On either sides of these local bodies of water are vast areas of greenery. Compared to the greys, blacks, and whites of city life, this green is a break from the dull colors.

Kerala Sadhya

Things to Do

In the rural areas, local farms and rice paddies can be seen. However, many tourists prefer houseboats as they sail on the clear, blue lakes. Everyone relaxes as the waves rock the boat gently. At any time, birds can be seen, gracefully flying by. Herons, egrest, kingfishers and more provide a show as they dive for food. Others enjoy the sea better, but take caution during monsoon season. The sea has the salty smell and sand beaches. Local street vendors sell hot peanut that you can snack on, especially as the you watch the sun set.